Master John Garrett,
Lao Shi’
Master Garrett is an enthusiastic instructor with extensive knowledge and credentials in many Martial Arts disciplines. He is considered one of our areas leading trainers in not just self-defense, but health, wellness and fitness.
At Garrett’s Martial Arts Academy we offer classes and training in the following disciplines:
- Sing Ong Tai Chi for health and wellness
- Taekwondo and HupKwondo for men, women and children
- Kickboxing for women; for health, strength and self-defense
Master John Garrett -Lao Shi’ (left) with Grand Master James Lim – Lao Shi’ and Shi Ye Michael Yek (center)
Personal Training is offered by appointment in: Self-Defense,
Weapons and Fitness
Master Garrett holds degrees in
the following Martial Arts:
Cho Dan black belt (1st degree) from the American Black Belt Federation – May 1979, under Master Min.
Rank of Sifu in Shaolin Wu Shu (Kung Fu) – February 1983, from the Syracuse Shaolin Wu Shu Academy under Master Ed Fox.
2nd degree black belt – March 1993, from Universal TaeKwon do Association under Grand Master Soo Kon Kim.
7th Dan (degree) in Taekwondo and Hupkwon from the International Taekwondo Federation (ITF), out of Montreal Laval Canada – January 2016, under Grand Master James Lim.
Master Garrett is also currently receiving his Tai Chi Chuan Lao Tzu Certificate from the Yek Sing Ong Tai Chi Chuan organization under Lao Tzu James Lim.

Master Garrett has been training in the Martial Arts for most of his life.
He also served honorably in and retired from the U.S. Army and the State of New York Department of Corrections. He also holds a Bachelor’s degree in Social Science; from SUNY Technology, in Marcy New York.